This unit includes a special protective device to prevent permanent damage to the internal computer in the
event of a sudden power surge. If the system does not respond to any commands from the remote control,
or the controls on the main unit, you may have experienced a power surge that triggered the internal
computer to shut down automatically. If this occurs, use a toothpick, straightened paper clip, or similar
object to depress and hold the RESET button (inside pin hole located on right side of display panel) for few
seconds. The unit Power turns ‘Off’ automatically.
Note: Although pressing the RESET button will unlock the internal computer after a power surge, it will also
erase all of the preset tuner memories, clock, and timer settings. After turning ‘On’ the unit again, you will
need to reset the clock and re-program the preset station memories.
RS1008_ib042303.p65 23/4/2003, 14:5127