Quick Start Guide
June 2014
Figure 3. Common Transmitter Assemblies
A. Transmitter with Coplanar Flange
B. Transmitter with Coplanar Flange and Optional Flange Adapters
C. Transmitter with Traditional Flange and Optional Flange Adapters
D. Transmitter with Coplanar Flange and Optional Manifold and Flange Adapters
Bolts are typically carbon steel or stainless steel. Confirm the material by viewing
the markings on the head of the bolt and referencing Table 2 on page 8. If bolt
material is not shown in
Tab le 2 , contact a local Emerson Process Management
representative for more information.
Carbon steel bolts do not require lubrication and the stainless steel bolts are
coated with a lubricant to ease installation. However, no additional lubricant
should be applied when installing either type of bolt.
Use the following bolt installation procedure:
1. Finger tighten the bolts.
2. Torque the bolts to the initial torque value using a crossing pattern. See Tab l e 2
for initial torque value.
3. Torque the bolts to the final torque value using the same crossing pattern. See
Ta bl e 2 for final torque value.
4. Verify the flange bolts are protruding through the sensor module bolt holes
before applying pressure.
4 x 1.75-in. (44 mm)
4 x 2.88-in. (73 mm)
4 x 1.75-in. (44 mm)
4 x 1.50-in. (38 mm)
4 x 1.75-in. (44 mm)
4 x 2.25-in. (57 mm)
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