Instruction Manual
September 2001
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Operation 3-27
Model NGA 2000 TO2
Signal value for 0% (100%) out-
It is possible to set the signal value for 0%
output and for 100% output so as to out-
put only a portion of the entire range.
Range from 0 to 1000 ppm
0% value to be 400 ppm, 100%
value to be 700 ppm.
Analog output normally: 0V = 0
ppm, 10v = 1000 ppm
After changing the output scaling:
0V = 400 ppm, 10V = 700 ppm
Change to the “Signal value for 0% out-
put:” line and adjust the value to 400.
Then change to the “Signal value for
100% output:” line and adjust the value to
If the measurement range is changed,
the settings done in this menu will re-
vert back to the standard values of the
range. The output values can be
changed permanently in the menu
“Begin and End of Ranges.” See sec-
tion 0.
The signal range of the analog output
should not be less than the smallest
range of the channel. Otherwise the
analog output may exhibit excessive
Output current
Select the desired output range in the
“Output current:” line. The options are
0…20 mA or 4…20 mA.
Hold output during calibration
Enable this option to hold the analog out-
put to the last value during calibration.
Pressing the F5 (More…) key changes to
the submenus “Output Signal if Assigned
Module Fails” and “Fine Adjustment.”
TO2 37.50 ppm
-- Analo
ut Setu
Output number: 1
Choose signal source module…
Choose signal…
Signal value for 0% output: 0.00
Signal value for 100% output: 100.00
Output current: 0…20 mA
Hold output during calibration: No
Signal name: Sample flow
Current signal value: 8.60
Source module: TO2
Measure Back…
TO2 37.50 ppm
-- Analo
ut Setu
Output number: 1
Choose signal source module…
Choose signal…
Signal value for 0% output: 0.00
Signal value for 100% output: 100.00
Output current: 0…20 mA
Hold output during calibration: No
Signal name: Sample flow
Current signal value: 8.60
Source module: TO2
Measure Back…
TO2 37.50 ppm
-- Analo
ut Setu
Output number: 1
Choose signal source module…
Choose signal…
Signal value for 0% output: 0.00
Signal value for 100% output: 100.00
Output current: 0…20 mA
Hold output during calibration: No
Signal name: Sample flow
Current signal value: 8.60
Source module: TO2
Measure Back…