MVME55006E Single-Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800A37D)
MOTLoad Firmware
4.1 Overview
This chapter describes the basic features of the MOTLoad firmware product, designed as the
next generation initialization, debugger and diagnostic tool for high-performance embedded
board products using state-of-the-art system memory controllers and bridge chips, such as the
In addition to an overview of the product, this chapter includes a list of standard MOTLoad
commands and the default VME settings that are changeable by the user, as allowed by the
The MOTLoad firmware package serves as a board power-up and initialization package, as well
as a vehicle from which user applications can be booted. A secondary function of the MOTLoad
firmware is to serve in some respects as a test suite providing individual tests for certain
MOTLoad is controlled through an easy-to-use, UNIX-like, command line interface. The
MOTLoad software package is similar to many end-user applications designed for the
embedded market, such as the real time operating systems currently available.
Refer to the MOTLoad Firmware Package User’s Manual, listed in Appendix C, Related
Documentation, for more details.
4.2 Implementation and Memory Requirements
The implementation of MOTLoad and its memory requirements are product specific. The
MVME5500 single-board computer (SBC) is offered with a wide range of memory (for example,
DRAM, external cache, Flash). Typically, the smallest amount of on-board DRAM that a
Emerson SBC has is 32MB. Each supported Emerson product line has its own unique
MOTLoad binary image(s). Currently the largest MOTLoad compressed image is less than 1MB
in size.
4.3 MOTLoad Commands
MOTLoad supports two types of commands (applications): utilities and tests. Both types of
commands are invoked from the MOTLoad command line in a similar fashion. Beyond that,
MOTLoad utilities and MOTLoad tests are distinctly different.