
If you don`t want to talk to the caller, just
let your unit take a message, adjust the
volume control on the face of the unit to
listen. If you don`t want to listen to the
caller`s message, lower the volume.
NOTE: Callers will be unaware that you
are screening their calls, and they will
not be able to hear you unless you pick
up the phone or an extension phone.
If you want to talk to the caller, pick up
the phone and talk.
To Turn Unit Off
If you do not want your system to
answer calls, press the answer ON/OFF
control. The message indicator will turn
off to signal that the unit will not answer
or record your phone calls.
Automatic Disconnect
Automatically shuts off outgoing
message when any phone in the home
is picked up.
If any phone in the home is picked up
during incoming message recording, the
unit should automatically stop and
previous portion of message will be
recorded and counted as 1 message. If
the unit does not stop, press the hook
switch of the telephone for about one
second and release.
Battery Indicator
The green message/battery indicator
will flash rapidly to indicate 9 volt battery
needs to be installed or replaced.
Adjustable Ring Select
selects the number of rings (2,6, or TS)
your unit will answer on. The unit will
answer on the ring number selected.
Toll Save (TS)
Your unit has a built-in automatic toll
saving feature. This feature lets you
know if you have received any
messages before it answers, thus
saving you on long distance costs.
How Toll Saver Works
When calling your unit from a remote
location to check for your message,
listen to the number of rings.
1. No Messages received
If your phone rings more than two
times, you will know that you don`t
have any messages, so you can hang
up on the third ring before your unit
answers and save the cost of the call.
NOTE: If no message are received,
your unit will answer the call after the
sixth ring.
2. Messages received
If your unit answers after only 2 rings,
you will know that you have received
messages, which you can then retrieve
by following the Remote Message
playback section.
NOTE: If your unit answers after 10
rings, it indicates the message memory
capacity is full. You may retrieve your
messages remotely or hang up.