
Reference Manual
IP2048/RM, Rev AA
Appendix E: Field Communicator
February 2015
1. Overview
2. Configure
3. Service Tools
1. Alerts
2. Variables
3. Trends
4. Maintenance
5. Simulate
1. Active Alerts
2. Diagnostic Data
See Previous Page
See Previous Page
1. Variables
2. Analog Output
1. Target Data
2. Speed of Sound Data
3. Operation
1. Distance D910
2. Echo Size D911
3. Success Rate D912
4. Target Echoes D913
1. Transducer Frequency D916
2. Threshold in Use D917
3. Pulses in Use D918
4. Transmit Power D919
1. Speed of Sound D914
2. Temperature for calculation D915
1. Primary Variable D900
2. Level (SV) D901
3. Distance (TV) D902
4. Transducer Temperature D903
1. Current Output
2. Analog Output fixed
3. Percentage Current Output
4. Analog Output saturated
1. D/A Trim
1. Internal temperature sensor in use (*5)
2. Calibrate Temperature
1. Restart Device
2. Reload Defaults
3. Set Base Units
1. Primary Variable
2. Temperature
3. Distance/Echo Size
1. Analog Calibration
2. Temperature Calibration
3. Utilities
1. Primary Variable
2. Loop Current
1. Simulation enabled
2. Change Mode
3. Primary Variable D900
4. Current Output D906
5. Percentage Current Output D905
1. Loop Test
*5 Changes to “Remote temperature sensor in use”
if an external temperature sensor is connected.