MITX-430/MITX-440-DVI-2E Installation and Use Guide (6806800K37B)
102 ASL Status Codes
0x04 Overflow, INT 0 instruction.
0x05 Bound range exceeded.
0x06 Invalid OpCode (undefined OpCode).
0x07 Device not available (no Math Co-Processor).
0x08 Double fault. Any instruction to the CPU that can generate an NMI or
0x09 Co-processor segment overrun.
0x0A Invalid Task Switch Access.
0x0B Segment not present. Occurs after a load segment.
0x0C Stack Segment Fault. Relations to stack operations.
0x0D General Protection fault. Any memory reference and other protection
0x0E Page fault.
0x0F Reserved by Intel.
0x10 Floating point error.
0x11 Alignment check.
0x12 Machine check.
0x13 SIMD floating point exception.
Table 5-37 CPU Exception Status Codes (continued)
Status Code Description
Table 5-38 ASL Status Codes
Status Code Description
0x01 System is entering S1 sleep state.
0x02 System is entering S2 sleep state.
0x03 System is entering S3 sleep state.
0x04 System is entering S4 sleep state.