MITX-430/MITX-440-DVI-2E Installation and Use Guide (6806800K37B)
Safety Notes
Data Loss (comment: applies to blades with Emerson-IPMC)
Removing the RTM with the system power on and the blue LED on the front blade still flashing
causes data loss.
Before removing the RTM from a powered system, power down the slot and the front blade’s
payload by opening the lower handle of the front blade and wait until the blue LED is
permanently ON.
PMC Modules
Product Malfunction and/or Personal Injury
Using unqualified modules together with the blade may lead to product malfunction, safety
hazards and/or personal injury.
When installing additional modules or RTMs you are responsible to comply to all relevant
regulatory standards.
Product Damage
Exceeding the maximum power dissipation of an installed PMC module may damage the
Make sure that the combined power dissipation of an installed PMC module on the 3.3 V and
5 V rail does not exceed 7.5 W.
SFP/SFP+ Modules
Personal Injury and Damage of the RTM and SFP/SFP+ Modules
Installing and using SFP/SFP+ modules which are not fully certified and which do not meet all
relevant safety standards may damage the RTM and the SFP/SFP+ modules and may lead to
personal injury.
Only use and install SFP/SFP+ modules which are fully certified and which meet all relevant
safety standards.