Setup: Troubleshooting
10007175-02 KAT4000 User’s Manual
Cooling requirements are a function of operating software, AMC power consumption and
AMC airflow resistance. The KAT4000 thermal performance must be verified in the end
user’s operating environment. Contact Emerson Technical Support at 1-800-327-1251 for
more information.
For instructions on how to properly install and configure the KAT4000 in a system, see the
KAT4000 Quick Start Guide, #10008585-xx, or the KAT4000 Quick Start Guide for the No-CPU
Carrier Board, #10008506-xx. If difficulty persists after referencing the Quick Start Guide,
use this checklist:
❐ Be sure all modules are seated firmly: the AMC modules on the KAT4000, the RTM on
the KAT4000 (if used), and the KAT4000 in the card cage.
❐ Verify the jumper settings (see
Tab le 2- 3).
❐ Be sure the system is not overheating.
❐ Check the cables and connectors to be certain they are secure.
❐ Check your power supply for proper DC voltages.
❐ Check that your terminal is connected to a console port.
Technical Support
If you need help resolving a problem with your KAT4000, visit
http://www.artesyncp.com/support/index.html#postsales on the Internet or send e-mail
to support@artesyncp.com. Please have the following information available:
• KAT4000 serial number
• monitor revision level
• product identification from the sticker on the KAT4000 board
• version and part number of the operating system (if applicable)
• whether your board has been customized for options such as a higher processor speed
or additional memory
• license agreements (if applicable)
If you do not have Internet access, please call Emerson for further assistance:
(800) 327-1251 or (608) 826-8006 (US)
44-131-475-7070 (UK)