Nov 2006
1.0 Introduction
The MSP400 ultrasonic level transmitter is designed to be mounted above a liquid and will measure the
distance to the liquid surface.
When programmed with details of the vessel, sump or open channel, the MSP400 will compute level,
contents or flow and give a 4-20mA signal proportional to the chosen variable. 2 relays are provided for
control functions. Programming is achieved using integral push buttons or by remote communication
using HART protocol.
MSP400 is a two wire 24V dc loop powered transmitter and may be connected to any suitable dc power
source using 2 core shielded cable. The Mobrey MCU900 range of Control Units is designed to
be used with the MSP400 transmitter in this way.
The MSP400 transmitter must not be mounted in a hazardous area, even if supplied from a protected
power supply.
2.0 The MSP400RH ultrasonic level transmitter.
The transmitter operates over a range of 0.45m to 11m. When powered up the transmitter will give a
4-20mA signal on the two wire power cable over the factory default range :
4mA at 11m; 20mA at 0.45m. This range may be adjusted during commissioning. See section 4.0
The transmitter is mounted using the 2” thread provided. An optional mounting bracket kit is available
on request. MSP-BRK2 (2” BSPT) or MSP-BRK3 (2” NPT).
2.1 Type numbering system
MSP Mobrey ultrasonic level transmitter
400R 11m operating range, 2 relay outputs
H HART communications
-B28 2” BSPT mounting, PVDF wetside
-N28 2” NPT mounting, PVDF wetside
Models covered in this manual :
MSP400RH - B28
MSP400RH - N28