Instruction Manual
IM-105-4000, Original Issue
August 2005
OPM 4000
Figure 5-3. Zero Reflector
5. Insert a 1/16 in. Allen wrench into the adjustment set screw located on
the top of the zero reflector (Figure 5-3). Turn set screw clockwise 1/8
6. Remove the Allen wrench and initiate a zero utilizing the zero switch on
the service module and after 15 seconds make sure the reading is
moving toward the desired value. (If value is away from that desired,
repeat step 5 and turn set screw counterclockwise).
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 each time for making small 1/8-turn increments
until the desired value is reached. Cycle 2-3 times more waiting 15 to 20
seconds between cycles to ensure unit repeats desired value ±0.5%
opacity. Record the final value; you will need to enter it into the Zero Cal
Value in the QUICK MENU.
8. Swing transceiver into operate position and secure in place.
1. With the zero switch in zero, place the span switch in span. Span is not
adjustable. Final value is a function of filter value, transceiver
calibration, and OPLR. Record the final value; you will need to enter it
into the Span Cal Value in the QUICK MENU.
2. Return both zero and span switches to operate, normal/test to normal,
/Opacity to opacity.
Protective Window
Zero Reflector