The Liebert iCOM display for your Liebert cooling unit features an easy-to-use, menu-driven liquid
crystal display (LCD). All unit settings and parameters can be viewed and adjusted through three
menus: User, Service and Advanced. All active alarms are displayed on the LCD and annunciated.
The control is shipped from the factory with default selections for all necessary settings. Adjustments
can be made if the defaults do not meet your requirements.
References to menu items in this manual are followed by the main menu and the submenu where they
can be found.
For example:
• Temperature Setpoint (User Menu, Setpoints) - The Temperature Setpoint parameter is
located in the User menu under the Setpoints submenu.
• High Return Humidity (Service Menu, Set Alarms) - The High Return Humidity alarm is
located in the Service menu under the Set Alarms submenu.
3.1 Single Unit Functions
3.1.1 Unit/Fan Control
Start - Stop
Unit on means the fan output is activated. The unit can be switched On and Off from two inputs:
1. Remote on/off input
2. Display button
Pressing the On/Off key on a small display will control only the cooling unit it is connected to regard-
less, of whether the cooling unit is a stand-alone unit or part of a network.
Pressing the On/Off key on a large display of a stand-alone cooling unit will control only that unit.
The effect of pressing the On/Off key on a large display connected to a network depends on the view:
System or Unit.
• In System view, pressing the On/Off key shows a warning asking for confirmation to shut down
the entire system.
• In Unit view, pressing the On/Off key affects only the unit being viewed, without a confirmation
Each time a unit is powered on or off, an event is added to the Event Log in the User menu.
Figure 10 Start-stop priority switches
Customer switches: remote On/Off (if used) and display On/Off switches are in series. A
cooling unit will start only if both switches are On; if one of these switches is Off, the unit will
stop. Safety devices within the unit are also in series and will shut the unit down if required.
If Remote On/Off is not used, a jumper is inserted to bypass the switch.
Remote On / Off
Display On / Off