Compression valve or T-fitting option
(not supplied):
■■ Ensure that a shutoff valve is installed
on the cold water supply line. If so, a
T-fitting or compression valve can be
used to connect the dispenser.
■■ Connect the 16" (40.6 cm) long, 1/4"
diameter copper tube on the
dispenser to the T-fitting as shown
(see step 4).
Attach the valve to a
cold water supply line
Shutoff valve option (not supplied):
■■ The water connection can be made
using a shutoff valve. This is a more
complex installation and should only
be attempted by an experienced
installer with the proper knowledge
and tools.
Saddle valve option (not supplied):
■■ Follow the directions for
“self-piercing attachment”
included with the valve.
■■ Connect the 16" (40.6 cm) long, 1/4"
diameter copper tube on the dispenser
to the saddle valve as shown (see step 4).
■■ Open the valve and let a small amount
of water run through it into a pan.
This will flush the line of sediment.
Saddle valves are susceptible
to clogging