10 Sensor Installation: F-Series
Determining a Location
Figure 7 F-Series sensor ambient and process temperature limits (high-temperature and
extreme high-temperature models)
Hazardous area approvals may impose additional limits on ambient and process temperature. For the ATEX
“T” rating, refer to the ATEX documentation shipped with the sensor or available on the Micro Motion web
site at www.micromotion.com. IECEx and NEPSI approvals also use the ATEX “T” rating. UL and CSA
ambient temperature limits are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 UL and CSA ambient temperature limits
Sensor models Electronics °F °C
UL F025, F050, F100, F200 Junction box or
IFT9701 transmitter
–4 to +104 –20 to +40
CSA All models except
high-temperature or extreme
high-temperature models
Junction box
IFT9701 transmitter
+140 maximum +60 maximum
Core processor or Model
1700/2700 transmitter
–40 to +140 –40 to +60
High-temperature and extreme
high-temperature models
All options –40 to +140 –40 to +60
–148 (–100)
–112 (–80)
–76 (–60)
–40 (–40)
–4 (–20)
32 (0)
68 (20)
104 (40)
140 (60)
176 (80)
–150 (–100)
32 (0)
392 (200)
752 (400)
932 (500)
572 (300)
800 (427)
Mount electronics remotely; use junction box
212 (100)
High-temp. models
Extreme high-temp. models
Maximum process temperature in °F (°C)
Ambient temperature of core processor or
transmitter in °F (°C)
1. When ambient temperature is below –40 °F (–40 °C), a core processor must be heated to bring its local ambient
temperature to between –40 °F (–40 °C) and +140 °F (+60 °C). Long-term storage of electronics at ambient
temperatures below –40 °F (–40 °C) is not recommended.
2. Temperature limits may be further restricted by hazardous area approvals.
662 (350)