ETC00303(1) BINOS E e (2.0) 11/00
Rosemount Analytical
10.1 (vacant)
11. Test Procedure / Test Points (vacant)
12. Removal / Replacement of Components (vacant)
13. MAINTENANCE 13 - 1
14. Leak Testing 14 - 1
15. Opening the Housing 15 - 1
15.1 BINOS E (Metal-sheet housing) 15 - 1
15.1.1 Housing Cover 15 - 1
15.2 BINOS E (1/2 19" housing) 15 - 2
15.2.1 Housing Cover 15 - 2
16. (vacant)
17. Replacement and Cleaning of Photometric Components 17 - 1
17.1 Removal of the Photometer Assembly 17 - 1
17.2 Light Source Replacement (IR) 17 - 2
17.3 Cleaning of Analysis Cells and Windows 17 - 3
17.3.1 Removal of Analysis Cells 17 - 3
17.3.2 Cleaning 17 - 4
17.3.3 Reinstalling of Analysis Cells 17 - 5
17.4 Reinstalling of the Photometer Assembly 17 - 6
17.5 Physical Zeroing 17 - 7
18. Check / Replacement of electrochemical Oxygen Sensor 18 - 1
18.1 Check of the Sensor 18 - 2
18.2 Replacement of the Sensor 18 - 3
18.2.1 Removal of the Sensor 18 - 3
18.2.2 Replacing the Sensor 18 - 4
18.2.3 Reinstalling of the Sensor 18 - 4
18.2.4 Basic conditions for the Oxygen Sensor 18 - 5
19. Cleaning of Housing Outside 19 - 1