
Instruction Manual
January 2002
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Operation 3-5
Model MicroCEM
O2 Calibration Failed Critical O2 Calibration Failed to meet the maximum Drift requirements
CO Calibration Failed Critical CO Calibration Failed to meet the maximum Drift requirements
NOx Calibration Failed Critical
NOx Calibration Failed to meet the maximum Drift require-
O2 High Limit Critical O2 Sensor reading is above the minimal acceptable limit
O2 Low Limit Critical O2 Sensor reading is below the minimal acceptable limit
CO High Limit Critical CO Sensor reading is above the minimal acceptable limit
CO Low Limit Critical CO Sensor reading is below the minimal acceptable limit
NOx High Limit Critical NOx Sensor reading is above the minimal acceptable limit
NOx Low Limit Critical NOx Sensor reading is below the minimal acceptable limit
24V Over Max Critical 24V diagnostic input exceeds the specified maximum
24 Low Min Critical 24V diagnostic input is below the specified minimum
O2 Emission Limit Warning O2 reading is over the specified Limit
CO Emission Limit Warning CO reading is over the specified Limit
NOx Emission Limit Warning NOx reading is over the specified Limit
Converter Over Temp Critical
Converter temperature reading exceeds the specified maxi-
Converter Low Temp Critical Converter temperature reading is below the specified minimum
Zone Over Temp Critical Zone temperature reading exceeds the specified maximum
Zone Low Temp Critical Zone temperature reading is below the specified minimum
PDT Over Temp Critical
Peltier Cooler (PDT) temperature reading exceeds the speci-
fied maximum
PDT Low Temp Critical
Peltier Cooler (PDT) temperature reading is below the specified
PMT Over Temp Critical
PDD Chamber temperature reading exceeds the specified
PMT Low Temp Critical
PDD Chamber temperature reading is below the specified
Warm-up Time Limit Critical System Warm-up process exceeded the specified time limit
Table 3-2. Alarm Summary