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A SCO Series 7000 Au tomatic Closed–Transition Transfer
Sw itc h es are factor y wir ed and tested. Field instal lation
simply requires mounting and connection of service
cables, and auxiliary control circuits (if required).
Remove the Shipping Skid
For large switches, open t he front door and remove t he
four lag screws (2 in front, 2 in rear) securing enclosure
to the wood skid.
Supporting Foundation
The supporting foundation for the enclosure must level
and straight. Refer to the applicable enclosure outline
drawing included with the ACTS for all mounting
details including door opening space.
If bottom cab l e entry is used, the foundation must be
prepar ed so that the condu it stubs are loc ated corr ec tl y.
Refer to the enclos u r e outlin e drawing for spe c if ied area
and loc ation. Pr ovid e cab l e bendin g space and cle aran c e
to live metal parts. When a conc rete floor is poured , use
interlocking conduit spacer caps or a wood or metal
temp l ate to maintain proper condu it align m en t.
Refer to the outline and mounti ng diagram provided
with the ACTS; it shows all mounting details and
Protect the switch from construction grit
and metal chips to prevent malfunction or
shortened life of the automatic switch switch.
Moun t the A C TS ver tic all y to a rig id suppor tin g stru c tu r e.
Level all mounting points by using flat washers behind the
holes to avoid distortion of the switch.
The controller is mounted on the cabinet door. An
add-on DIN rail is provided for some optional accesso-
ries and is mounted below controller on the door.
Auxiliary Cable Boxes
For 1000 & 1200 amp. sizes, an aux iliary cable box is
required for all (normal, emergency, & load)bottom or
top entry. Order ASCO part no. 609027 if requi red.
On 1000 & 1200 amp. be sure to install auxiliary
cable box if both service and load cables are
entering through the top or bottom of enclosure.
Line Connections
A Wiring Diagram is furnished with the ASCO Series
7000 ACTS (separate from this manual). Refer to this
drawing. All wiring must be made in accordance with
the National Electrical Code and local codes.
De–energize the conductors before making any
line or auxiliary circuitry connections. Be sure
that Normal and Emergency line connections
are in proper phase rotation. Place engine gen-
erator starting control in the OFF position.
Make sure engine generator is not in operation.
Testing Power Conductors
Do not connect the power conductors to the t ransfer
switch until they are tested. Installing power cables in
conduit, cable troughs and ceiling-suspended hangers
often requires considerable force. The pulling of cables
can damage insulation and stretch or break the
conductor’s strands. For this reason, after the cables are
pulled into position, and before
they are connected,
they should be tested to verify that they are not
Connecting Power Conductors
After the power cables have been tested, connect them
to the appropriate terminal lugs on the transfer switch
as shown on the wiring diagram provided with the
switch. Makesurethelugsprovidedaresuitableforuse
with the cables being installed. Standard terminal lugs
are solderless screw t ype and will accept the wire sizes
listed on the drawings provided with the switch. Be
careful when stripping insulation from the cables; avoid
nicking or ringing the conductor. Remove surface
oxides from cables by cleaning with a wire brush. When
aluminum cable is used, apply joint compound to
conductors. Tighten cable lugs to the torque specified
on rating label.
Do not run cables in front of or behind the switch.
Maintain proper electrical clearance between the live
metal parts and grounded metal: ½ inch minimum for
150-400 amps, 1 inch minimum over 400 amps.
It is not necessary to remove the barriers from the
transfer switches to install the cables. If you do remove
them,however, be sure to reinstall the barriers carefully.
Bus Connections
For large switches use grade 5 hardware to connect bus
to appropriate terminal plates. Wipe off the bus
surfaces before they are joined. If the bus is very dirty,
gently clean the surfaces with a non---flammable solvent.
Avoid touching the cleaned surfaces.
Do not breathe cleaning solvent vapors.