Daylight Saving Time (DST) ON/OFF Switch
IMPORTANT: The Daylight Saving Time (DST) ON/OFF switch is located on
the left side panel. This switch was set to the “OFF” position at our factory
prior to shipment. At the beginning of Daylight Saving Time set the DST switch
to the “ON” position. The time will advance by one hour. At the end of Daylight
Saving Time set the DST switch to the “OFF” position. The time will back up
by one hour.
The first time you connect your new SmartSet
clock radio to the AC outlet the
internal computer will automatically set the display to show the correct
EASTERN STANDARD TIME. This is the initial default setting. The display will
scan for few seconds and then show the correct Eastern Standard Time. If you are
doing this during Daylight Saving Time, slide the DST ON/OFF switch, located on
the left side panel, to the “ON” position. The display will then show the correct
Eastern Daylight Time.
If you live in the Eastern Time zone, there’s nothing else to do. Your clock is set
correctly and running. If you do not live in the Eastern Time zone you must change
the default zone display to your own zone. You only do this one time and the
will remember the new default zone setting and will always return to
that setting after a power interruption.
CKS1701_032306.p65 23/3/2006, 14:448