
Place the nylon filter into the filter
holder and add coffee grinds with the
measuring spoon. A spoon of coffee
grinds can make a cup of top-grade
coffee, but you can adjust as desired.
Gently shake the coffee filter to
distribute the coffee evenly. Set the
carafe on the “Keep Warm” plate.
The coffee will be kept warm on the
“Keep Warm” plate for two hours
(Auto Off). To shut the unit off before
the Auto Off feature does, simply
press the ON button twice; the red
Power indicator will turn off.
Press the ON button; the red Power
indicator will light and the coffee will start
brewing. After coffee is finished brewing,
serve and place the carafe back on the
"keep warm" plate to keep coffee warm.
Do not place carafe on "Keep Warm"
plate until the filter basket is placed into
the filter holder, otherwise the filter
basket will not fit into place properly.
Follow the instructions below to brew coffee in your cof fee maker. For tips on
making great coffee, see the FAQ’s on the following page.
See page 9 for details on how to
brew coffee using the Auto On
Timer feature.
This maker has a feature that
will allow you to remove the
carafe and pour a cup of coffee
while the coffee is still brewing,
see page 8 for details.
Open the top cover, place the filter
basket into the filter holder by
holding the filter basket’s handle up
and inserting. After inserting, place
handle down.
Using the carafe, open the tank
cover and fill with cold water as
desired. For easy and accurate
filling, refer to the cup level markings
inside the tank.