Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4664, Rev BB
January 2013
Rosemount 8712 / 8700 Series
Environmental Considerations
To ensure maximum transmitter life, avoid excessive heat and vibration. Typical problem
areas include:
• Warm-climate installations in direct sunlight
• Outdoor installations in cold climates
Remote mounted transmitters may be installed in the control room to protect the electronics
from the harsh environment and provide easy access for configuration or service.
Remotely mounted Rosemount 8712 transmitters require external power so there must be
access to a suitable power source.
Installation Procedures
Rosemount 8712 installation includes both detailed mechanical and electrical installation
Mount the Transmitter
At a remote site the transmitter may be mounted on a pipe up to two inches in diameter or
against a flat surface.
Pipe Mounting
To mount the transmitter on a pipe:
1. Attach the mounting plate to the pipe using the mounting hardware.
2. Attach the 8712 to the mounting plate using the mounting screws.
Identify Options and Configurations
The standard application of the 8712 includes a 4–20 mA output and control of the sensor
coils and electrodes. Other applications may require one or more of the following
configurations or options:
• Multidrop Communications
• Digital Output
• Digital Input
• Pulse Output
Additional options may apply. Be sure to identify those options and configurations that apply
to your situation, and keep a list of them nearby for consideration during the installation and
configuration procedures.
Hardware Jumpers/Switches
The 8712 electronics board is equipped with three user-selectable hardware switches.
These switches set the Failure Alarm Mode, Internal/External Analog Power, and
Transmitter Security. The standard configuration for these switches when shipped from the
factory are as follows:
Changing Hardware Switch Settings
In most cases, it is not necessary to change the setting of the hardware switches. If you
need to change the switch settings, complete the steps outlined in the manual.
Failure Alarm Mode: HIGH
Internal/External Analog Power: INTERNAL
Transmitter Security: OFF
4664RevBBQIG.fm Page 5 Friday, January 11, 2013 6:13 PM