INMETRO Certification:
- Certificate Number: NCC 12.1244 X
- INMETRO Marking: Ex d nC IIB T3 Gc
Ex d IIC T* Gb
*See Tables 1 and 2 in the certificate for temperature range details.
Special condition for safe use: When the digital control valve is assembled with solenoid models
80174, 80173, 80143, 80144, HP80143, 8014G2 and F8003G1, the temperature of the process fluid
must not be greater than 40°C.
2" through 6" ANSI flanged
Valve Capacity
Valve Size 2" 3" 4" 6" 8"
Cv* - gpm 86 186 309 688 1296
*Cv based on valve full open using water at 60/F (16/C)
For Valve Flow vs. Pressure Loss see Figure 3-1. Consult manual 3-9008-550, Capacity
Charts for valve sizing.
Flow vs. Pressure Drop (See Figure 3-1)
Curve A - Wide open valves with no spring resistance.
Applicable to pilot operated valves with Y and Z ports vented to sump, atmosphere or pump station.
Curve B - Light main valve spring.
Applies only to On-Off valves, rate of flow control valves and check valves with ANSI 150 to 300
lb. flanges.
Curve C - Medium main valve spring.
Applies to all modulating control valves except rate of flow and valves using ANSI 600 lb. flanges.
Curve D- Heavy main valve spring.
Applies to all valves using ANSI 600 lb. flanges.