Reference Manual
00809-0200-4705, Rev AA
Section 4: Commissioning
May 2015
4.6 Verifying operation
There are four ways to verify operation: using the optional local display (LCD), using the Field
Communicator, using the Smart Wireless Gateway's integrated web interface, or by using AMS
Suite Wireless Configurator. If the Rosemount 705 transmitter was configured with the Network
ID and Join Key, and sufficient time has passed, the transmitter will be connected to the
If the device is not joined to the network after power up, verify the correct configuration of the
Network ID and Join Key, and verify that Active Advertising has been enabled on the Gateway.
The Network ID and Join Key in the device must match the Network ID and Join Key of the
Operating the local display
The LCD displays the configured values at the update rate, or can optionally be enabled for
continuous display. See Section 5.1.2.
Diagnostic button display sequence
More detailed diagnostic information can be obtained by removing the display cover of the
Rosemount 705 Transmitter, and momentarily depressing the DIAG button. The LCD will display
the diagnostic screens as shown in Figure 4-4.
Press the Diagnostic button to display the TAG, Device ID, Software Revision, Network ID,
Network Join Status and Device Status screens.
Figure 4-3. Diagnostic Screen Sequence
Network join status
The chevron-shaped status bar at the top of the screen indicates the progress of the network
join process. When the status bar is filled, the device is successfully connected to the wireless
network. This is shown, in Figure 4-4 on page 24.
Tag Device ID Network ID
Network join
Device status
A b c d e
f g h
n e t w k
S u p l y
7. 2 1
v o l t s