Thin Web Server Connectivity Module Configuration
Connectivity Module Configurator Program
This utility is used to create, manage, upload, and
dowload configuration settings to ASCO Connectivity
Modules (only
part no. 629800-xxx) that the Thin Web
Server will be communicating with over LAN.
How to Add Configuration Setting
for a Connectivity Module (Accessory 72E)
1. Launch the Thin Web Server setup program.
2. Connect to the Thin Web Server by clicking
Communication, then Connect to Server. The indicator
(bottom right corner) will turn from red to green.
3. On menu bar click Utilities then _72E List Editor.
4. The _72E Device List Editor screen displays.
5. Click the Add Device button.
Set the IP Address, the type of Controller, Power Manager,
and the address of the devices here. Note that there is only
one item pertaining to the device address. This means that
both devices must be set with the same address when
connected to the Connectivity Module.
NOTE: Only for ATSs with Group 1 Controller (Series
300) and Group 6A/7A Control Panels (ASCO 940, 962,
436, 434, 447, 448) can you specify their name and
location from here. ATSs with Group 5 Controller (4000
Series, 7000 Series) are done either on their controller or at
the Thin Web Server detail page.
7. Click the Save record button to save your setting or
Cancel if you want to discard the changes you made.
continued on next page
Click the
Add Device
Click the
Save record