Exiting the Software
Choose File from the menubar, then click Exit. If you are using the keyboard, press the
shortcut key combination Alt+F, X.
If you made changes, PowerTools displays an Alert dialog box asking whether you want to
save your current work. Click the Yes button or press Enter to save your work, or click the No
button to quit without saving.
Accessing Help
All PowerTools tabs and dialog boxes provide a Help button. This retrieves help for that
particular subject and provides details to assist you in the use of each tab or dialog box. Also,
provided is a index-based help system. There is the ability to search the online help using a
keyword. Lastly, PowerTools has context sensitive help capability.
Online Help displays detailed procedural and reference information. It contains some
information that does not appear in this manual.
To display Help in PowerTools, do one of the following:
• Press F1.
• Choose a command from the Help menu.
• Click the Help button on a dialog box or tab.
• Click the Help icon on the toolbar.
• Click the Context Sensitive Help button on the toolbar and then the field on the tab.