TPL = Total power losses (Watts)
TRMS = RMS torque for the application (lb-in)
Vmax = Maximum motor speed in application (RPM)
Pld = Logic Power Losses Drive (Watts)
Psr = Shunt Regulation Losses (Watts)-(RSR-2 losses or equivalent)
TRMS * Vmax / 1500 = Power Stage Dissipation = Pp
A more accurate calculation would include even more specifics such as actual torque
delivered at each speed plus actual shunt regulator usage. For help in calculating these please
contact our Application Engineering department with your system profiles and loads.
Speed Torque Curves
Continuous ratings of the MG and NT motors are based on 100°C (212° F) motor case
temperature and 25°C (77° F) ambient temperature with the motor mounted to an aluminum
mounting plate as shown in the table below.
• Speed torque curves are based on 240 VAC drive operation.
• All specifications are ±5 percent due to motor parameter variations.
Motor Mounting Plate Size
MG-205 and 208, NT-207 and 212 6” x 6” x .25”
MG-316 through 490 10” x 10” x .375
MG-4120 12” x 16” x .5”