2--7 Settings
Features Settings
The controller (CP) Features settings can be displayed and changed from the key-
pad. Some settings m ay require a password (if the controller is set up for one).
¡ From any of the Status displays, press the Enter/Save Settings ¿ key to move
to the Settings level of menus.
© Then press the right arrow " key to move to Setting Time Delays menu.
¢ Press the right arrow " key again to move to Settings Features menu.
£ Now p ress Enter/Save Settings ¿ keytomovetothefirstFeatures display
¤ You can press the right arrow " key to see the other Features menus (as shown
below). An overview explanation of each setting is listed below.
7 Features Menus (last menu loops back to first)
Commit to Xfer After TD Normal Fail seepage2–1
This display shows the commit to transfer setting. It affects the transfer
sequence as follows:
Ye s — If Normal fails, CP continues transfer sequence to emergency
even if Normal returns before Emergency becomes acceptable.
No — I f Normal fails, CP cancels the transfer sequence to emergency
if Normal returns before Emergency becomes acceptable.
Shed Load seepage2–1
This display shows status of 3 load shed parameters:
Direction — from Emergency or from Normal
InPhase — yes means transfer delayed until sources are in phase
TD — 3 second default time delay
Shed Load Options seepage2–1
This display appears o nly for 4ACTS, 4ADTS, 7ACTS, 7ACTB, 7ADTS, or
7ADTB. It determines switch position a f ter the shed load transfer.
IsoLoadOnSrcFail — determines switch position during a source failure.
IsoLoadOnTest17 — deterines switch position during feature 17 activation.
Ye s — Load is notconnected to either source. (see wiringdiagram
No — Load is connected to the opposite source. for feature 17 desc.)
Phase Rotation Monitor seepage2–1
This display shows status of phase rotation monitor and desired reference
phase rotation. It only appears if both sources are set to 3–phase sensing.
Enabled — Ye s means phase rotation is considered as part of the
source acceptability criteria f or each source. If the phase r otation o f the
source does not match the reference phase rotation, that source is considered
unacceptable. If p hase rotation of the two sources is different, the load will
be transferred to the source with the reference phase rotation.
Reference — phase rotation order: ABC or CBA (ABC is default)
In–Phase Monitor seepage2–1
This display appears only for 4ATS, 7ATS or 7ATB. This display shows status
of in–phase monitor and in–phase time delay (1.5 seconds is default setting).
Enabled — Ye s means in–phase transfer is initiated when any of these
conditions are met: Tr ansfer Test (F eature 5) signal, connected source fails,
retransfer to acceptable Normal occurs and Emergency source acceptable.
CTTS Bypass / Shed Load (not shown)see page 2–1
Th is disp lay s h o w s status o f the closed–t ran sit io n bypass op t io n s.
FailSyncAutoBypass — Ye s means if the fail to sync alarm occurs, the controller
will bypass the closed–transition mode and will make a delayed–transiton
transfer. The load disconnect time is set by the Byp ass DT De lay parameter.
Bypass InPhase — Ye s means th e inph ase monitor is act ive during load transfer.
Voltage DO PU
Frequency DO PU
Commit to Xfer After
TD Normal Fail: _
InPhase: TD: s
Time Delay: s
IsoLoadOnSrcFail yes
IsoLoadOnTest17 no