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Reasonable care in preventive maintenance will insure
high reliability and long life for the switch. An annual
preventive maintenance program is recommended.
ASCO Services, Inc. (ASI) is ASCO Power
Technologies’s national servi ce organization.
ASI can be contacted at 1-800-800-2726 for infor-
mation on preventive maintenance agreements.
Operate the switch at least once a month by following
this four-step Electrical Operation Test.
Transfer Switch Test
A. Turn the door-mounted Transfer Control switch
clockwise to Transfer to Emergency.
B. The transfer switch will operate to the Emergency
position. The Load Connected To Emergency light
should come on and the Load Connected to Normal
lig ht s hould go off.
C. Turn the door-mounted Transfer Control switch
counterclockwise to Transfer to Normal.
D. The transfer switch will operate to the Normal
position. The Load Connected to Normal light
should come on an d th e Load Connected to Emergen-
cy light should go off.
Checklist f or Yearly Inspection
Hazardous voltage capable of causing shock,
burns, or death is used in this switch.
Deenergize both Normal & E mergency power
sources before performing inspections!
S Clean the switch enclosure. Brush and vacuum
away any excessive dust accumulation. Remove
S Check the Switch Contacts
switch barriers and check the condition of the
contacts. Replace the contacts if they becom e pitted
or worn excessively. Rei nstall barriers carefully.
S Maintain transfer switch lubrication.Ifswitchis
sub jec ted to severe dust or abnorm al operating
conditions, renew factory lubrication on all move-
ments and linkages. Relubricate solenoid operator
if TS coil is replaced. F or 260–400 A order lubri-
cation 625550–001 (Castrol EndurexR 4000 lubri-
cant). For 1000–3000 A order lubricant kit 75–100.
S Check all cable connections and retighten them.
Replacement parts are available in kit form. When
ordering parts provide the Serial No., Bill o f Mate rial
No. (BOM), a nd Catalog No. from the transfer switch
nameplate. Contact your local ASCO Power Technolo-
gies sales office or ASI. In the United States call
1–800–800–ASCO (2726).
The harness disconnect plugs are furnished f or repair
purposes only and should not have to be unplugged.
If the controller must be isolated, follow these steps:
Disconnecting the Plugs
1. Observe the position of the transfer switch.
a. If the transfer switch is in the Normal position,
place standby engine starting control in the off
position. Then open the emergency source circuit
b. If the transfer switch is i n the Emergency posi-
tion, open the normal source ci rcuit breaker.
Place the engi ne starting control in the test or
run position.
2. Separate the quick disconnect plugs by squeezing the
latches. Do not pull on the harness wires.
Reconnecting the Plugs
1. Observe the position of the transfer switch.
a. If the transfer switch is in the Normal position,
be sure that the standby engine starting control
is still in the off position. The emergency
source circuit breaker still should be open.
b. If transf er switc h is in the Em ergency position,
normal source circuit breaker still should be open.
2. The harness plugs and sockets are keyed.
Caref ully align the plugs with the sockets and press
straight in until both latches click.
3. Restore the opposite source as follows:
a. If the transfer switch is in the Normal position,
place the standby engine starting control in the
automatic position. Then close the emergency
source circuit breaker.
b. If the transfer switch is i n the Emergency
position, close the normal source circuit