Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4801, Rev KB
December 2010
Rosemount 3051S
The 3051S Safety-Certified Pressure Transmitter was designed, developed, and audited to be
compliant to IEC 61508 safety-certified SIL 2 Claim Limit.
The 3051S Safety-Certified Pressure Transmitter must be operated in accordance to the
functional and performance specifications provided in the 3051S reference manual.
Failure Rate Data
The FMEDA report includes failure rates and common cause Beta factor estimates. This report is
available at http://rosemount.d1asia.ph/rosemount/safety/ReportAFailure_newweb.asp.
3051S Safety-Certified Pressure Transmitter Failure Values
Safety accuracy: 2.0%
Safety response time: 1.5 seconds
Self-diagnostics Test Interval: At least once per hour
Product Life
50 years – based on worst case component wear-out mechanisms – not based on wear-out
process wetted materials.
(1) A 2% variation of the transmitter mA output is allowed before a safety trip. Trip values in the DCS or safety logic
solver should be derated by 2%.
4801_QIG_RevKB.fm Page 21 Friday, December 3, 2010 1:17 AM