Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4801, Rev HA
February 2008
Rosemount 3051S
Rosemount Inc.
8200 Market Boulevard
Chanhassen, MN USA 55317
T (US) (800) 999-9307
T (Intnl) (952) 906-8888
F (952) 949-7001
Emerson Process Management
GmbH & Co. OHG
Argelsrieder Feld 3
82234 Wessling
T 49 (8153) 9390, F49 (8153) 939172
Emerson Process Management
Asia Pacific Private Limited
1 Pandan Crescent
Singapore 128461
T (65) 6777 8211
F (65) 6777 0947/65 6777 0743
Beijing Rosemount Far East Instrument
Co., Limited
No. 6 North Street, Hepingli, Dong Cheng District
Beijing 100013, China
T (86) (10) 6428 2233
F (86) (10) 6422 8586
This installation guide provides basic guidelines for Rosemount 3051S
transmitters (reference manual document number 00809-0100-4801). It
also provides the basic electronics guidelines for the 3051SFA
(reference manual document number 00809-0100-4809), 3051SFC
(reference manual document number 00809-0100-4810), and 3051SFP
(reference manual document number 00809-0100-4686). It does not
provide instructions for diagnostics, maintenance, service, or
troubleshooting. This document is also available electronically on
4801_QIG_RevHA.fm Page 2 Tuesday, February 26, 2008 12:17 PM