Fast/Slow Adjust
Daylight Saving
Time Adjust
Start TIme
Engine Exerciser
Run TIme
5 --- 3
How to Set Optional Programmable Engine Exerciser (part of Acc. 11BG module)
Hazardous voltage capable of causing shock,
burns, or death is used in this transfer switch.
Deenergize both Normal and E mergency power
sources before programming the exerciser.
Navigating the Menu
Use the UP and DOWN arrow
keys to move through the displays.
Changing the Parameters
Use the UP and DOWN arrow
keys to mov e thoug h the displays
to the param eter to be chang ed.
Pus h the ENTE R key to start the
editin g proc e s s . The firs t
parameter will flash. Use the U P
and DOWN arrow keys to adjust
the parameter to the desired
value and press the ENTER key
to save the value. The next
parameter will now flash. Repeat
the proc ess until each param eter
is pro p er ly c on f igu r ed .
Engine Exerciser Display
engine exerciser. When the unit is shipped from the
factory the programmable engine exerciser is
“Disabled” and must be set to “Enabled” by the
customer. When the engine exerciser is running, this
display will count down the remaini ng time until the
end of the exercise period.
Start Time Display
time. There are four parameter s that determine the start
weekly (”Every”) or bi–weekly (”Alt”) operation
day of week (”Sun” through “Sat”)
start hour (0 through 23)
start minutes (0 through 59)
For example, if the user wants the exerciser to run every
other Saturday at 3 PM, the proper configuration would
be: “Alt Sat @ 15:00”
NOTE: When choosing bi–weekly operation, the
exerciser will always run on the week designated “(1)”
Run Time Display
The R un Time Display shows the run time for the engine
exerc iser. The default setting from the factory is 30 min.
Time Display
The Time Display shows the present system time. The
format is “ hours:minutes:seconds”.
NOTE: During total power outages, power to the
accessory is maintained by a battery in the Controller
(see page 4–2). Be sure that the 9–volt alkaline battery
is fresh and enabled (jumper in ON position) so t hat
the time and date settings are not lost.
Date Display
The Date Display shows the present system date. The
format is “day of week (week) month/day of
NOTE: Week i s either week 1 or week 2. This is used
in conjunction with the bi–weekly timer.
Daylight Savings Time Adjust Display
This di splay shows whether the automatic daylight
saving time adjustment is active. The factory default is
“NO”. If enabled, the unit will automatically adjust for
daylight savi ng time at 2 AM on Sunday as follows:
Part No.
629857–001* 629857–002*
Start first Sunday in April 2nd Sunday in March
Stop last Sunday in Oct first Sunday in Nov
* Part no. on back of circuit board. New DST starts in 2007.
Fast / Slow Adjust Display
This display shows the automatic fast/slow adjustment
value. Thefactorydefaultis0. Thisfeaturecanbe
used to trim a clock that runs fast or slow. For example,
if your clock runs 10 seconds slow per week, change the
fast/slow adjust value to “+10” and the unit will
automatically add 10 seconds to the clock every week.
NOTE: Adjustments are made Sunday morning at 2
AM. If you want your exerciser period to start at 2 AM
on Sunday, you cannot use this feature and the
adjustment must be set to 0.
Date exerciser was set ___________________________
Fill in your settings for future reference
Weekly or Bi–weekly Day of Week Start Time Run Time
Every = weekly
Alt = bi–weekly
Sun through Sat
30 min. is default setting