Cata log 214A400, 214A404, and 214A401 ATS
Annunciators communicate with ASCO automatic
transfer switches to report their status. Each automatic
transfer switch is continuously polled and reports its
status back to the ATS Annunciator. Lights on the front
indicate which automatic transfer switches are
connected to the normal source or emergency source.
Source availability is also reported.
In addition, the ATS Annunciator s can send
commands to individual automatic transfer switches
to con tro l their operatio n . A key switch preven ts
unauthorized operation. The Tr ansfer Test push b utton
simulates a normal source outage and transfers the
ind ividu al lo ad to th e e merg en c y so u rc e, if available.
When the same push button is pressed again, it signals
the automatic transfer s witch to retransfer back to
normal immediately. A Time Delay Active push button
byp asses any transfer time delay in proc ess (Feat u re 2B
or 3A). Ligh t s above each push bu t to n ind ic at e that the
automatic transfer switch is in the test mode and in a time
delay mode.
1. Insert the switch key and turn it clockwise to the
Unlock position as shown in Figure7.
2. Select the number of the automatic transfer switch
youwanttotestandfindtheTransfer Test push
button below the ATS number on the bottom row.
3. Press and hold
the Transfer Test push button until
the amber light above it starts flashing.
4. Observe that the Emergency Source Available red
light comes on indicating that the generator has
5. Observe that the Load Connected to Emergency red
light comes on (Normal light off) indicating that
the ATS has transferred.
Note: If Feature 2B Transfer to Emergency Time Delay
is used (Time Delay Active) amber light comes on) the
transfer may not occur for up to 5 minutes. To bypass
this time delay press the Time Delay Active push button
below the amber light.
6. Press the Transfer Te st push button again to end the
test. The flashing amber light goes off.
Note: If Feature 3A Retransfer to Normal Time Delay
is used (Time Delay Active amber light comes on) the
retransfer may not occur for up to 30 minutes. To
bypass this time delay press the Time Delay Active push
button below the amber light.
7. Observe that the Load Connected to Normal
light comes on (Emergency light off) indicating
that the ATS has retransferred.
Note:TheEmergency Source Available red light goes off
when the emergency source is no longer available.
8. When testing is completed, turn the key switch
counterclockwise to the Lock position and remove
the key.
key switch
Load connected to
status lights
Source available
Time delay active
Transfer test
Transfer test
push button
Time delay bypass
push button
Figure 7. ATS A nnunciator (Master)