Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4716, Rev DA
October 2009
Rosemount 3095 MultiVariable
Use the following steps to wire the transmitter:
1. Remove the housing cover labeled “Field Terminals.” Terminals are not polarity sensitive.
2. Connect the signal leads to the terminals labeled “Fieldbus Wiring”.
3. Plug and seal unused conduit connections.
4. Install wiring with a drip loop. Arrange the drip loop so the bottom is lower than the
conduit connections and the transmitter housing.
5. Replace the housing cover.
Do not attach shield to ground.
Power Supply
To operate and provide complete functionality, the transmitter requires the supply voltage to
be within the ranges shown below.
Power Conditioner
A fieldbus segment requires a power conditioner to isolate the power supply filter and
decouple the segment from other segments attached to the same power supply.
Signal wiring of the fieldbus segment can not be grounded. Grounding out one of the signal
wires will shut down the entire fieldbus segment.
Shield Wire Ground
To protect the fieldbus segment from noise, grounding techniques for shield wire usually
requires one and only one grounding point for shield wire to avoid creating a ground loop.
The ground point is typically at the power supply.
Signal Termination
For every fieldbus segment a terminator should be installed at the beginning and at the end
of each segment.
Approval Option Code Supply Voltage
B, D, F, J, K, L, N, 2, 4, 9 9-30 Vdc
A, C, E, G, H, P, R, 0, 3, 5, 7, 8 9-32 Vdc
T, U, V, W, Y, 6 9-17.5 Vdc