PowerPath for UNIX Installation and Administration Guide
Installing PowerPath
Before You Install
The sequence in which you configure the storage and install
PowerPath® depends on the storage system you use:
storage systems. Install PowerPath after you set up the
Symmetrix system. Verify that the Symmetrix system is working
properly, then install PowerPath using the instructions in this guide.
storage systems. PowerPath installation is an integral
part of a CLARiiON setup and configuration procedure. To properly
install PowerPath on a host with a CLARiiON array, refer to the EMC
Installation Roadmap for CX-Series and FC-Series Storage Systems. There
you will find step-by-step instructions for installing PowerPath and
other CLARiiON software.
The rest of this section describes what to do before you install
PowerPath on the host.
Obtain Up-To-Date Information
Check the Powerlink website (http://powerlink.emc.com) for the
most current information:
❑ Release notes — We update the PowerPath release notes
periodically and post them on the Web.
❑ Patches and notices — Review the patch ReadMe files to
determine which patches (if any) you want to install after
PowerPath, and whether those patches have any added
prerequisites that must be met before you install PowerPath.
Choose a Convenient Time
Installing PowerPath requires you to reboot the host. Plan to install or
upgrade PowerPath when a reboot will cause minimal disruption to
your site.