
For replacement batteries, refer to the label on the smoke
WARNING: The use of other batteries could have a detri-
mental effect on the Smoke Alarm.
d) Cleaning your Smoke Alarm
Smoke Alarms are not excessively prone to dust and insect
ingress but should still be cleaned from time to time. Use the
narrow nozzle attachment of your vacuum cleaner to remove
dust, insects and cobwebs. To clean the cover, wipe with a
damp cloth.
WARNING: Do not paint your Alarm.
Apart from the maintenance and cleaning described in this
leaflet, no other customer servicing of this product is required.
Repairs, when needed, must be performed by the manufac-
All Smoke Alarms are prone to dust and insect ingress which
can cause false alarms or failure to alarm.
In order to keep contamination to a minimum, the latest
design, up-to-date materials and methods are used in the pro-
duction of this Alarm. However, it is impossible to completely
eliminate the effect of dust and insect contamination, and
therefore, to prolong the life of the Alarm you must ensure that
it is kept clean so that excess dust does not build up. Any
insects or cobwebs in the vicinity of the Smoke Alarm should
be promptly removed.
In certain circumstances even with regular cleaning, contam-
ination can build up in the smoke sensing chamber causing
the alarm to sound or fail. If this happens the Alarm must be
returned to us for servicing or replacement. Contamination is
beyond our control, it is totally unpredictable and is consid-
ered normal wear and tear. For this reason, contamination is
not covered by the guarantee and a charge is made for serv-
icing such units.
If there are frequent nuisance/false alarms in certain locations
you should consider moving the alarm.
A maximum of twelve Smoke Alarms may be interconnected
so that all Alarms respond when one Alarm senses smoke.
( For the model numbers of Smoke Alarms with Interconnect
see page 1). This ensures that the alarms will be heard every-
where within the building.
WARNING: Do not connect EI Smoke Alarms to any
device apart from those listed on page 1 - this includes
units from other manufacturers.
A maximum of 250 m metres (820 ft) of wire can be used
(maximum resistance between detectors 50 ohms). The units
are interconnected by wiring all the terminals marked ‘1’
together, and all the terminals marked ‘2’together as in Figure
9. Draughts from wiring openings, conduit, or mounting
boxes/holes, may blow smoke away from the sensing cham-
ber, making it insensitive. It is essential that all such openings
be closed by silicone sealant or similar.
After wiring together the Interconnect Smoke Alarms, test the
first unit by pressing the button. All alarms should sound with-
in 10 seconds. The red light should flash every second only
on the unit that is being tested. Check all the other units sim-
These Smoke Alarms should be interconnected only within
the confines of a single family living unit. If they are connect-
ed between different units there may be excessive nuisance
alarms. Not everybody may be aware that the Alarm is being
tested or that it is a nuisance alarm caused by cooking etc.
Some models have a hush feature (see page 1) to help you
control nuisance/false alarms.
1. To cancel a false alarm, press the test button. The alarm
will automatically switch to a reduced sensitivity condition.
This condition allows unwanted alarms to be silenced for a
period of approximately 10 minutes. The red light will flash
every 10 seconds (instead of 40 seconds) to let you know the
unit has been silenced.
2. The unit will reset to normal sensitivity at the end of the
silenced period. If additional silenced time is required, simply
push the test button again.
3. If the cause of the alarm is not clear, it should be assumed
that it is due to an actual fire and the dwelling should be evac-
uated immediately.
If kitchen or bathroom usage/layout is such that there is an
unacceptable level of nuisance alarms, re-locate the Smoke
Alarm further away where it will be less affected by cooking
fumes, steam etc.
When using household protective devices, basic safety pre-
cautions should always be followed, including those listed
Read all instructions carefully.
Rehearse emergency escape plans so everyone knows what
to do in case the alarm sounds.
For replacement batteries, refer to the label inside the Smoke
NOTE: Constant exposure to high or freezing temperatures
may reduce the life of the battery.
Do not disconnect the battery to stop alarm sounding.
(Fanning vigorously with a newspaper or similar will remove
nuisance smoke from the Smoke Alarm and stop it sounding).
Do not attempt to recharge or burn batteries, as they may
explode. Depleted batteries should be discarded properly.
When removing the battery, handle carefully to avoid possible
eye damage or skin irritation from a leaking or corroded bat-
To maintain sensitivity to smoke, do not paint or cover Smoke
Alarms in any manner; do not permit any accumulation of cob-
webs, dust or grease.
If the unit has been damaged in any way or does not function
properly, do not attempt a repair. Return Smoke Alarm to the
manufacturer (see “Getting your Smoke Alarm Serviced”,
page 14).
This appliance is intended for domestic household use only.
This is not a portable product. It must be permanently mount-
ed following the instructions.
Smoke Alarms are no substitute for insurance. The supplier or
manufacturer is not your insurer.
Smoke Alarms combined with Heat Alarms can significant-
ly reduce the number of fire fatalities.
However, independent authorities have stated that they
may be ineffective in some circumstances. There are a
number of reasons:
Smoke Alarms will not work if the batteries are depleted or
if they are not connected properly, or if the wrong type of
battery is used. Test regularly and replace batteries at least
yearly or when depleted.
Alarms will only detect fire if sufficient smoke or heat
reaches the alarm’s sensors. Smoke may be prevented
from reaching the Alarm if the fire is too far away, for exam-
ple, if the fire is on another floor, behind a closed door, in
a chimney, in a wall cavity, or if the prevailing air draughts
carry the smoke away.
Installing Smoke Alarms on both sides of closed doors and
installing more than one Smoke Alarm as recommended in
this leaflet very significantly improves the probability of
early detection.
The Alarm may not be heard.
A Smoke Alarm may not wake a person who has taken
drugs or alcohol.
Smoke Alarms may not detect every type of fire to give suf-
ficient early warning. They are particularly ineffective with:
fires caused by smoking in bed, escaping gas, violent
explosions. poor storage of flammable rags and/or liquids,
(for example petrol, paint, spirits etc), overloaded electrical
circuits, arson, children playing with matches, for example.
Smoke Alarms do not last indefinitely.
The manufacturer recommends a regular weekly check and
replacement of the unit after 10 years as a precaution.
Use the Alarm test button to familiarise your family with the
Alarm sound and to practice fire drills regularly with all family
members to rehearse evacuating the building as fast as pos-
sible. Draw up a floor plan that will show each member at
least 2 escape routes from each room in the house. Children
tend to hide when they don’t know what to do. Teach children
how to escape, open windows, and use roll up fire ladders
and stools without adult help. Make sure they know what to do
if the Alarm goes off.
1. Check room doors for heat or
smoke. Do not open a hot door.
Use an alternate escape route.
Close doors behind you as you
2. If smoke is heavy, crawl out,
staying close to floor. Take short
breaths, if possible, through a wet
cloth or hold your breath. More
people die from smoke inhalation
than from flames.
3. Get out as fast as you can. Do
not stop for packing. Have a pre-
arranged meeting place outside for
all family members. Check
everybody is there.
4. Call the Fire Brigade from a
neighbour’s house. Remember to
give your name and address.
5. NEVER re-enter a burning
Store petrol and other flammable materials in proper contain-
ers. Discard oily or flammable rags.
Always use a metal fireplace screen and have chimneys
cleaned regularly. Replace worn or damaged sockets, switch-
es, home wiring, and cracked or frayed electrical cords and
Do not overload electrical circuits.
Keep matches and lighters away from children.
Never smoke in bed. In rooms where you do smoke, always
check under cushions for smouldering cigarettes and ashes.
Service central heating systems regularly.
Be sure all electrical appliances and tools have a recognised
approval label.
Contact the local authorities or the Fire Brigade for further
If your Smoke Alarm fails to work after you have read the sec-
tions on “Connecting the Battery” and “Looking after your
Smoke Alarm” contact Customer Assistance at the nearest
address given at the end of this leaflet. You can also return
the unit to the manufacturer (see below for addresses). State
the nature of the fault, where the Smoke Alarm was pur-
chased and include proof of purchase.
Ei Electronics guarantees this product against any defects
that are due to faulty material or workmanship for a five year
period (battery not included) from date of purchase. (EI
Electronics guarantees the products EI 2105B, 2105C,
2105H and 2105CH for two years only). This guarantee only
applies to normal conditions of use and service, and does not
include damage resulting from accident, neglect, misuse,
unauthorised dismantling, or contamination howsoever
caused. If this product has become defective it must be
returned to EI Electronics (see “Getting Your Smoke Alarm
Serviced”) with proof of purchase. If the product has become
defective during the guarantee period the manufacturer will
repair or replace the unit without charge. This guarantee
excludes incidental and consequential damage.
Do not interfere with the product or attempt to tamper with it.
This will invalidate the guarantee. This guarantee is in
addition to your statutory rights.
Ei Electronics,
Co. Clare,
Ei Electronics,
Konigsallee 60F,
40212 Düsseldorf,
E-mail: help.de@eiltd.ie
©EI Electronics 2001
P/N. B14331-A
Smoke Alarms with Interconnect
Figure 9