
November 1999
Part No. 001-7780-500
also the type of priority channel (see the “Priority
Channel” description which follows). The following
modes are available:
No Priority - Priority sampling does not occur (all
channels are scanned in sequence). The radio trans-
mits on the selected channel.
Priority/Tx Priority - Priority sampling occurs
and the priority channel is the one programmed in
the selected scan list. The radio transmits on the
priority channel.
Priority/Tx Selected - Priority sampling occurs
and the priority channel is the one programmed in
the selected scan list. The radio transmits on the
selected channel.
Priority on Sel Chan - The priority channel is
always the selected channel (even if the scan list is
programmed with a priority channel). The radio
transmits on the selected channel.
Talkback Scan - No priority sampling occurs
(even if the scan list is programmed with a priority
channel). The radio transmits on the channel of a
call while scanning is halted. Then when scanning
resumes, it transmits on the selected channel.
Scan Timers
Scan Hold Time - Sets the delay that occurs before
scanning resumes after a signal is no longer
received (see Section 2.3.11).
Lookback Time A - This time determines how
often the priority channel is checked for activity.
Times of 0.25-4.00 seconds in 0.25-second steps
can be programmed.
Lookback Time B - This time determines how
often the priority channel is checked once an incor-
rect Call Guard (CTCSS/DCS) code is detected.
Since it takes much longer to detect an incorrect
Call Guard signal than a carrier, this time should be
relatively long to prevent the interruptions from
making a message difficult to understand. Times of
Priority Channel Selection
The Scan Mode parameter in the preceding
Conventional System Scan List screen selects if
priority channel sampling is enabled on the selected
scan list. It also selects the type of priority channel
(either fixed or the selected) if applicable.
If the “Priority/Tx Priority” or “Priority/Selected”
mode is programmed, fixed priority channel sampling
is selected. The fixed priority channel must then be
chosen for the scan list. To do this, click the
button in the preceding Modify Scan List
screen and then select the desired zone/channel. Refer
to Section 2.4.12 for more information on priority
channel sampling.
The conventional Channel screen shown in
Figure 3-3 which follows is displayed when a conven-
tional channel is selected. This screen programs
unique channel parameters and also assigns channels
to the selectable zones displayed by the transceiver.
The general procedure for setting up a conven-
tional channel is as follows. Refer to the descriptions
which follow this procedure for information on the
parameters in the channel screens.
1. Make sure that the desired zone is selected in the
Zone box.
2. Select the channel number in the Channels Index
box which is to be programmed with the channel. If
the channel number display mode is selected (see
Section 2.4.2), this will be the number displayed
when the channel is selected.
3. To assign a conventional channel, select “Conven-
tional” as the channel type.
4. Click the Modify button to display the screen which
enables that channel and programs the alias (tag)
and transmit and receive frequencies. Then program
the other parameters in the main part of the screen.
Refer to the next section for more information.