
Proceed Tone - This tone consists of two beeps and it tells the landside caller when to enter the five-digit number
specifying the mobile being called. Dialing of this number must be started within 5 seconds of hearing this tone, and
a tone-type telephone must be used.
Display Messages
The following messages may appear in the ten-character alphanumeric display.
ALL CALL - Indicates that the Multi-Net All Call special call is being received. This is a high- priority call to all
mobiles assigned to a site. If another call is being received, it is dropped to receive this call.
AUTO REG - Indicates that the transceiver is attempting to register on another system. Refer to Auto-Registration
description on page 14.
BLOCK CALL - Indicates that the call is being received on a Multi-Net or LTR block ID code (see description on
page 14).
EMERGENCY - Indicates that the emergency switch has been pressed (see page 13).
GPSCN DSBL - Indicates that an attempt was made to delete a group from the scan list with group scanning dis-
HI BATTERY - The transceiver senses the battery voltage and if it rises to a point where transceiver damage may
result, this message is displayed and the intercept tone sounds. If this message persists, contact your dealer or have
the vehicle's electrical system checked.
IN QUEUE - Indicates that the call has been placed in a queue by the Multi-Net Busy Queuing feature (see page 13).
MIC TO PA - Indicates that the microphone audio has been routed to a public address system (see Mic Audio to
PA description on page 20).
MULTI SCAN - Indicates that the Multiple-Site type of scanning is occurring (see page 11).
NO DAT GRP - Indicates that no valid data group could be found for a data transmission.
NO NUMBERS - Indicates that the Phone mode is selected and no telephone numbers have been preprogrammed
(see page 15).
NO RIC FND - Indicates that no telephone system/group could be found in the Phone mode (see page 15).
NO TALK - Indicates that talk-around has been disabled on the selected system by dealer programming (see Re-
peater Talk-Around on page 17).
NOT MULTI - Indicates that an attempt was made to enable a Multi-Net feature on an LTR or conventional system.
NOT ON CNV - Indicates that an attempt was made to enable a conventional mode feature on a Multi-Net or LTR
OUT-OF-LOK - Indicates that the synthesizer is out-of-lock. Refer to Transceiver Servicing on page 26.