Sender: E-mail from sender to send trigger event notice;
Authentication information: If authentication is required for SMTP, please enter
account/password of the sender;
SMTP port: The preset is 25; if SMTP server port and port event are with preset
value, they can be changed to correct data.
FTP server:
Enable FTP: With setup to enable FTP; only with setup for event trigger, log file can
be sent to the ftp server.
Host address: FTP server address
FTP port: The preset is 21; if FTP server port and port event are with preset value,
they can be changed to correct data.
Authentication information: If authentication is required for FTP, please enter user
name /password.
Test: User can test SMTP or FTP setting is correct or not.
Save: Click Save button to complete adding.
Remove: To erase the event server setup, you may click Remove button. The system
will ask you to confirm. If to click Yes, the setups of the event server will be erased.