
Network Camera Users Manual
(3) “Tilt angle” This sets the range of the vertical movement of the camera. The
larger value is setting, the larger movement of “Up” or “Down” is performing by the
(4) “Patrol cycle” It is the cycle of patrol function.
(5) “Auto pan speed” This defines the speed of auto panning. The larger value is
setting, the faster speed will run by the camera.
(6) “Auto patrol speed” This defines the speed of auto patrol. The larger value is
setting, the faster speed will run by the camera.
Preset point setting
(1) “Set the home position”
--“Set default value as home position” Restore home position to original
default‘s home by clicking on this button.
--“Set the current position as home position” Click on the button will set the
current aimed position as home of the Network Camera. Each time the Network
Camera reboots or finishes calibration, it will automatically aim to the defined home
(2) “Set the auto pan range
--Set default value as auto pan range” Restore auto pan range to original
default‘s auto pan range by clicking on this button.
--“Set the auto pan range manually” Click on the button will set the auto pan
range of the Network Camera.
(3)” Add or delete a preset point
--“Add current point as a preset point” If the User wants to save the current
view as a preset location, enter a name to each of the current video view on
“Preset points” and click on the “Finish” button. The camera allows for 20
preset locations.
--“Delete a preset point from below” This keeps a list for preset positions.
Clicking on the “Finish” button will remove the current selected position
from the preset list.
Patrol list setting
(1) ”Preset pointsThe preset points box list all preset points. User must use
to drag the preset points to Patrol listbox when the action is recognized
the Patrol listbox change to red.
(2) “Patrol listThe Patrol list box list all patrol points. User use the drag to
adjust of the patrol point (Up or down). Dwelling time (sec)” The stop time of
each preset location during auto patrols of the Network Camera.
(3) “Remove patrol point” The remove patrol point box will remove the patrol