
I.B. 29C892B
Page 9
Effective 8/99
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Menu Items Definition
SA SELECT ADDRESS Network use only – permits selection of specific trip unit address within network
FI FIND BAUD/ADDR Search to identify address and baud rate of connected trip unit (8 conductor custom phone cord only)
ID FIND PRODUCT ID Identification of type and frame rating of connected breaker
BA CHANGE BAUD/ADDRESS Permits the initial setup or changing of address and baud rate of connected trip unit –
valid password required to setup or change address
RP RATING PLUG Rating plug size installed in connected trip unit
ME METERED VALUES Depending on trip unit connected, some or all of the values are displayed:
Current (A) - Phases A, B, C, Ground and Neutral
Energy (kWh) - Total, Forward and Reverse
Power (kW) - Power and Peak Demand
Power Factor
THD Currents (%) - Phases A, B, C and Neutral
Harmonic Content - Phases A, B, C and Neutral
TM TEST MODE Provides for Phase or Ground, Trip or Non-Trip Test (valid password)
SP SETPOINTS Permits viewing, initial setup and changing of setpoints for connected trip unit – valid password
required to setup or change setpoints:
LD - Long Delay Setting
LDTI - Long Delay Time
LDA - Long Delay Action
LDS - Long Delay Slope
SDPU - Short Delay Setting
SDTI - Short Delay Time
SDA - Short Delay Action
SDS - Short Delay Slope
IN - Instantaneous Setting
INA - Instantaneous Action
DSC - Discriminator
GFP - Ground Fault Setting
GFT - Ground Fault Time
GFA - Ground Fault Action
GFS - Ground Fault Slope
HLA - High Load Setting
PTM - Powered Thermal Memory
UPM - Unpowered Thermal Memory
FRQ - Line Frequency
NR - Neutral Ratio
AWC - Auto Waveform Capture
PI - Phase A Identification
PA PASSWORD Permits authorized personnel to change or enter 4 digit password
TC TRIP EVENT COUNT Display of number of circuit breaker automatic trip operations
CT CAUSE-OF-TRIP Displays one of four possible modes of trip on most recent automatic trip operation:
Long Delay
Short Delay
Ground Fault
FW FIRMWARE REV/VER Displays Firmware Revision and Version of OPTIMizer or connected trip unit
CP COPY COMMAND Loads trip unit settings into OPTIMizer
DL DOWNLOAD COMMAND Sends stored settings in OPTIMizer to trip unit (valid password)
RE RESET TRIP UNIT Resets trip unit LEDs, historical current etc.
Table 2.1 Programmable Categories