Data Power Solutions Quick Start Guide
Copyright © 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
10640205 February 2009
Applying AC Power
• Switch on the ac supply.
• Check that each rectifier starts up and that the green
Power On LED is on and both the
red urgent
and yellow
non-urgent alarm LEDs are off. (If not consult the
Troubleshooting section in Chapter 7 of the main manual).
• Check that the SM45 supervisory module has powered up and that the green
On LED on both the SM45 and the display module is on.
• Depending on your configuration settings, the urgent and/or non-urgent alarm LED(s)
may also be on.
• Check that all installed rectifiers are communicating and that the SM45 supervisory
module has correctly registered all rectifiers, by viewing the individual rectifier currents
in Main Display Mode. If no load is connected each rectifier will show 0A.
Configuring the APS DC Power System for Operation
Each APS dc power system is supplied with a pre-loaded configuration file.
It is important that the settings of this configuration file are checked/verified and changed as
required for site-specific conditions. In particular settings that may affect the performance
and life expectancy of the battery must be checked and set according to the battery
manufacturer’s recommendations. Only those configuration parameters that are most likely
to be changed on-site can be configured from the front panel. For entering and editing of all
other configuration parameters (such as mapping of alarms to relays and setting up
communications) a laptop computer and the latest version of DCTools is required.
The latest version of DCTools can be downloaded from www.powerware.com/downloads.
We recommend using DCTools for configuring your APS dc power system for operation.
Applying DC Power to the Load
• Check the dc output voltage and polarity of the power system and battery string(s).
• Switch on the Battery MCB(s) (if fitted) and check that the Battery Fuse Fail alarm clears.
• When connecting multiple battery strings in parallel to the system dc bus, ensure that the
individual strings are of similar voltage.
• Check the Battery Current reading, if batteries are fitted. (The actual value depends on
the state of charge of the batteries.)
• Switch on the Load MCB(s). Check that the load (the equipment) powers up and that the
Load Fuse Fail alarm clears.
• Check the rectifier currents and verify that the load current is representative of what the
load draws and also that the APS dc power system has sufficient capacity.
• Charge the batteries (if fitted) according to the battery manufacturer’s recommendations.
Manual Equalize can be started from DCTools or the front panel.
• Manual Equalize increases the system voltage to the pre-configured equalize voltage for
the pre-configured equalize duration. After the pre-configured equalize duration has
expired, the APS dc power system voltage reverts back to normal battery float voltage
• Fit the dc output cover.