SERIAL Digital I/O Series User Manual Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
This is the sampling frequency of the ADC process. This parameter must be set before calling
the Configure method. After calling the Configure method the Frequency property will be set
to the actual sampling frequency.
On the SRL 26/30 the frequency is the
update rate of the A/D converter. This
means that the board will convert the
channels at a period of equal to the
frequency and the channels in the
sequence of the channel list. The end
result is that the time between samples is
equal to 1/Frequency.
The clock source property is used to specify the clock settings for the ADC process.
Offset (bits) Description
0 Clock Source (C0-C7)
0: Internal 10 MHz clock
1: External Convert (EXT_CLK)
8 Gate Source (G0-G7)
0: Disable
1: External Gate (EXT_TRIG)
Example Layout
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0
Starting and Stopping the ADC process
A single call is necessary to start or stop the ADC process
Long EDRE_ADStart (ulng Sn)
A serial number needs to be specified to start the ADC process. A returned error code will
indicate if the function succeeded.
Long EDREADX.Start ()
A call to the start method will start the ADC process of the device too which the ActiveX
control is linked. A returned error code will indicate if the function succeeded.
Long EDRE_ADStop (ulng Sn)
A serial number needs to be specified to stop an ADC process. A returned error code will
indicate if the function succeeded.
Long EDREADX.Stop ()
A call to the start method will stop the ADC process of the device too which the ActiveX
control is linked. A returned error code will indicate if the function succeeded.
Driver buffer functions
A single call is necessary copy data from the driver buffer to an user buffer. The driver-buffer
is a large circular buffer that can hold data for a period of time running at full speed. This
buffer needs to be emptied regularly to make sure it does not overrun. The buffer can be
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