
Fields with
oderate Fields with High
Vegetative Vegetative
Geographic Vigor: Vigor:
Area Time of Application Rate per Acre Rate per Acre
All States First application: Pinhead to matchhead 2 fluid ounces 4-6 fluid ounces*
square** stage of growth.
Second application: 7 to 14 days later, 2-4 fluid ounces* 4-8 fluid ounces*
or when regrowth occurs.
Third application: 7 to 14 days later, 2-6 fluid ounces* 4-12 fluid ounces*
or when regrowth occurs.
Fourth application: 7 to 14 days later, 2-8 fluid ounces* 4-16 fluid ounces*
or when regrowth occurs.
Fifth application (if needed): 7 to 14 4-8 fluid ounces* 4-16 fluid ounces*
days later, or when regrowth occurs.
Use higher rates if previous application was not made or if growing conditions are conducive to vigorous growth.
** The first application should be made when 50% of the plants have one or more squares that are 1/8 to 1/4 inch in
Table 1. Applications Starting at Matchhead Square
Table 2. Applications Starting at Early Bloom
Area Time of Application Rate per Acre
All States First application: 8-16 fluid ounces*
Apply DuPont™ MEPEX® GIN OUT™ to actively growing cotton that is 16
to 26 inches tall, provided cotton is not more than 7 days beyond early bloom
stage (5 to 6 blooms per 25 row feet). If cotton is 24 inches tall and has no
blooms, apply MEPEX® GIN OUT™. Use 8 fluid ounces per acre on cotton
where excessive vegetative growth is not likely to be a problem and 16 fluid
ounces ounces per acre in areas tending to have excessive vegetative growth.
Second application for control of excessive vegetative growth: 8-16 fluid ounces*
If the cotton field has a history of vigorous growth or if
conditions after the first application of MEPEX® GIN OUT™ favor
vigorous growth, make a second application 2 to 3 weeks after the first
Third application for control of excessive vegetative growth: 8-16 fluid ounces*
If the cotton field has a history of vigorous growth or if
conditions continue to favor vigorous growth, make a third
application 1 to 2 weeks after the second application.
KS, OK, TX First application:
(areas where Apply MEPEX® GIN OUT™ to actively growing cotton in the early bloom 8 fluid ounces
excessive stage (5 to 6 blooms per 25 row feet). If no blooms are present
growth is not and the cotton is 20 inches tall and actively growing, apply
a pr
oblem) MEPEX® GIN OUT™.
Second application: 8 fluid ounces
If conditions after the f
irst application of MEPEX® GIN OUT™ favor
vigorous growth, make a second application 2 to 3 weeks after
the first application.
Third application: 8 fluid ounces
If conditions after the second application of MEPEX® GIN OUT™ continue
to f
avor vigorous growth, make a third application 1 to 2 weeks
after the second application.
* Use higher r
tes if pr
evious application was not made or if growing conditions are conducive to vigorous growth.