Congratulations on the birth of your baby.
Thank you for choosing the Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Electric Breast Pump to
help you provide breast milk to your baby. Whether returning to work or out
for a few hours, your baby can still enjoy the benefits of your breast milk. Even
if you can’t be there to give it yourself.
Our pump stimulates the breast with the use of gentle pulsation and One-Way
Airflow, which means faster let-down, more milk for your baby and unrivaled
comfort for you.
Clinical trials show that stimulation is proven to help mothers initiate and
maintain a long-term milk supply.
Many women do not express breast milk when they first try a new breast
pump. Don’t worry as this is common. Try not to give up, simply wait a few
minutes and try again, ensuring that you are comfortable and relaxed
when expressing.
Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Electric Breast Pump
1 Vacuum Dial
2 Liner
3 Connector
4 4-oz Wide-Neck Bottle (also
includes 4-oz Standard Bottle)
5 Motor Case
6 On/Off Switch
7 Power Plug-In
8 Battery Cover Screw
9 Battery Cover
10 Stand
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