Key to symbols
➠ 1999999 Production to serial number
2000000 ➠ New part from serial number
2003.04 ➠ New part from Year / Month
TI 2003/07 See Technical Information Year / No.
Accessories (not included in the delivery inventory)
= No standard execution, may be used
{ Contains item number
m Sold by the meter
Corr. Error correction
Specications subject to change without notice
LT-210 1
Pipe, handle, protector, gear case
2 Engine, starter, clutch, fuel tank, exhaust mufer
3 Carburetor, air cleaner, accessories
LT-250 4 Pipe, handle, protector, gear case, carburetor, air cleaner, accessories
5 Engine, starter, clutch, fuel tank, exhaust mufer