this mode. This mode should be used for almost all
driving situations. ESC should only be turned to “Partial
Off” or “ESP Off” for specific reasons as noted below.
ESC Partial Off
This mode is entered by momentarily pressing the “ESC
Off” switch. When in ЉPartial OffЉ mode, the TCS portion
of ESC, except for the “limited slip” feature described in
the TCS section, has been disabled and the ЉESC Off
Indicator LightЉ will be illuminated. All other stability
features of ESC function normally. This mode is intended
to be used if the vehicle is in deep snow, sand, or gravel
conditions and more wheel spin than ESC would nor-
mally allow is required to gain traction. To turn ESC on
again, momentarily press the “ESC Off” switch. This will
restore the normal “ESC On” mode of operation.
NOTE: To improve the vehicle’s traction when driving
with snow chains or starting off in deep snow, sand or
gravel, it may be desirable to switch to the “Partial Off”
mode by pressing the “ESC Off” switch. Once the situa-
tion requiring ESC to be switched to the “Partial Off”
mode is overcome, turn ESC back on by momentarily
pressing the “ESC Off” switch. This may be done while
the vehicle is in motion.
In the “Partial Off” mode, the engine torque reduc-
tion and stability features are desensitized. There-
fore, the enhanced vehicle stability offered by ESC is