There are two groups
identified, those for wheel
bearings (Letter āGā) and
those for chassis (Letter
āLā) lubrication. Perfor-
mance categories within
these groups result in dual
letter designations for
each group. The letter des-
ignations shown in the ex-
ample are the highest
quality level available and when combined as shown can
be used for chassis lubrication. Use only those greases
that have the NLGI symbol on the container along with
the proper quality level for your application.
Appearance Care and Protection from Corrosion
Protection of Body and Paint from Corrosion
Vehicle body care requirements vary according to geo-
graphic locations and usage. Chemicals that make roads
passable in snow and ice, and those that are sprayed on
trees and road surfaces during other seasons, are highly
corrosive to the metal in your vehicle. Outside parking,
which exposes your vehicle to airborne contaminants,
road surfaces on which the vehicle is operated, extreme
hot or cold weather and other extreme conditions will
have an adverse effect on paint, metal trim, and under-
body protection.
The following maintenance recommendations will enable
you to obtain maximum benefit from the corrosion
resistance built into your vehicle.
What Causes Corrosion?
Corrosion is the result of deterioration or removal of
paint and protective coatings from your vehicle.