D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 209
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: To change the value of an attribute, enter set usergroup attr with the new value. To delete
an attribute, use clear usergroup attr. To add a user to a group, user the command set user
You can assign attributes to individual users and to user groups. If attributes are configured for
a user and also for the group the user is in, the attributes assigned to the individual user take
precedence for that user. For example, if the start-date attribute configured for a user is sooner
than the start-date configured for the user group the user is in, the user’s network access can
begin as soon as the user start-date. The user does not need to wait for the user group’s start
Examples: The following command adds the user group cardiology to the local database and
assigns all the group members to VLAN crimson:
DWS-1008# set usergroup cardiology attr vlan-name crimson
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear usergroup
• clear usergroup attr
• show aaa
set web-portal
Globally enables or disables WebAAA on a DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: set web-portal {enable | disable}
enable Enables WebAAA on the switch.
disable Disables WebAAA on the switch.
Defaults: Enabled.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: This command disables or reenables support for WebAAA. However, WebAAA has
additional configuration requirements.
Examples: To disable WebAAA, type the following command:
DWS-1008# set web-portal disable
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear authentication web
• set service-profile auth-fallthru
• set user