
Access Point CLI Commands
D-Link Unified Wired and Wireless Access System
November 7, 2011 Page 22
D-Link UAP CLI Command Reference
Section 5: Access Point CLI Commands
This section describes some of the commands you use to view and configure the DWL-x600AP.
The CLI performs validation on individual property values in a
set or add, but does not check to see if different
property values are consistent with each other. For example, it would not provide any error if a radio's mode
was set to “a” and its channel was set to “1”. (Even though “1” is not a valid channel in “a” mode, it is a valid
channel in “g” mode.) In cases where the configuration is left in an inconsistent state, the services associated
with the configuration may not be operational. Therefore, it is important to consult the class and property
reference to understand the acceptable values for properties given the values of other properties. For more
information, see “CLI Classes and Properties Reference” on page 32.
Basic Settings
The following CLI command examples correspond to tasks you can accomplish on the Basic Settings tab of the
Web UI for access points.
Note: This section does not describe every command available from the DWL-x600AP CLI. The DWL-
x600AP is intended to be configured primarily from the Web interface.
Note: Before you configure the basic settings, make sure you are familiar with the names of the
interfaces as described in “Interface Naming Conventions” on page 20. The interface name you
reference in a command determines whether a setting applies to a wired or wireless interface, the
Internal network, or to radio “one” or radio “two”.