passed through the Router from either side of the gateway. The rules are created and
controlled by the network administrator and can be precisely defined. These rules are
used to block access to the LAN from outside the network and/or to deny access to the
WAN from within the network. The Router uses filtering rules to examine data packet
headers for specific information. Packets passing through the Router that do not meet
the criteria specified by the rule set are dropped.
Effective implementation of packet filtering requires detailed knowledge of network
services and communication protocols. An overly complicated filtering scheme can
adversely affect the Router’s performance, while an inadequate set of rules may
needlessly compromise security.
This Router has two fields to configure for filtering which are IP Filters and MAC Filters.
Advanced > Filters > IP Filters
To access this screen, click the Advanced tab along the top of the configuration window
and then the Filters tab to the left hand side.
This window will aid
the use in configuring
filters for IP
addresses. This will
deny specified LAN
IP addresses or
specific ports
associated with these
LAN IP address from
accessing the
Internet. Well known
ports have already
been previously set
in the IP Filters List
and can be modified
by clicking their
corresponding edit
icon, and simple
adding an IP address
to the configuration.