DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch User Manual
Defining Ports
• Configuring Port Properties
Viewing Port Properties
Configuring Port Properties
The Port Setting Page contains parameters for configuring port properties. Gigabit ports operate in full duplex mode only,
and take on certain characteristics that are different from the other choices listed.
To define port parameters:
1. Click Configuration >Port Configuration > Port Setting. The Port Setting Page opens:
Figure 2-5 Port Setting Page
Port Setting Page contains the following fields:
Field Description
Defines the stacking member for which the port settings are displayed.
From Port
Defines the port number from which the port configuration will apply..
To Port
Defines the port number to which ports the configuration will apply
Defines whether the port is currently operational or non-operational. The possible field values
Enabled — Indicates that the port is currently receiving and transmitting traffic.
Disabled — Indicates that the port is currently not receiving and not transmitting traffic. This
is the default value.
Defines the configured rate for the port. The port rate determines what speed setting options are
available. The possible field values:
10M/Full — Indicates the port is currently operating at 10 Mbps and full duplex mode.
10M/Half — Indicates the port is currently operating at 10 Mbps and half duplex mode.